posted on 2025-02-04, 10:51authored byEncisoHurtado A.A., PachecoGonzález C.O., MoradoLópez A.N., MacíasRodríguez M.G., MuñozMuñoz M.
Introduction: Hamartoma of the breast are benign tumors of glandular tissue, they present a hormonal factor in their development, therefore, they are more common in pregnant and lactating women. Case report: A case of hamartoma is present in a man in the sixth decade of life, managed with conservative mastectomy of the nipple-areola complex. Conclusion: In men it is an unusual entity, with an incidence of <1% of all breast lesions, however, they can cause concern because their behavior is similar to malignant tumors, and normally its diagnosis is only confirmed when the entire resection piece is analyzed.