Karger Publishers

Supplementary Material for: Patterns of Sensitization to Inhalant Allergens in Japanese Lower-Grade Schoolchildren and Related Factors

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posted on 2015-10-02, 00:00 authored by Yamazaki S., Shima M., Nakadate T., Ohara T., Omori T., Ono M., Sato T., Nitta H.
Objective: This study clarified sensitization patterns to house dust mite (HDM) and Japanese cedar pollen (JCP) in Japanese lower-grade schoolchildren. We also explored factors associated with allergic sensitization. Methods: This cross-sectional study used a database from the Study on Respiratory Disease and Automobile Exhaust (SORA), a Japanese health study project. The subjects comprised 8,815 pupils aged 6-9 years. We obtained the distribution of HDM- and JCP-specific IgE, respectively, as a marker of sensitization. To determine factors associated with sensitization, we used logistic regression and calculated adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for the relative prevalence of sensitization. The cut-off point for specific IgE levels was 0.35 kU/l. Results: Sensitization to HDM and JCP was detected in 51 and 39% of subjects, respectively, occurring more often in boys and at older ages. In addition, AORs of sensitization to HDM/JCP were higher in subjects with a history of bronchitis, parental asthma, parental atopic eczema and parental pollinosis. In contrast, AORs for sensitization were lower in those subjected to maternal passive smoking as well as among boys with pets. AORs of sensitization to JCP alone were lower in those with a history of otitis media, those who had been bottle milk fed, and those who were not the firstborn and who lived near a busy road. Conclusion: Sensitization to HDM and JCP was detected in 51 and 39% of lower-grade schoolchildren, respectively.


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    International Archives of Allergy and Immunology




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