Karger Publishers
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Supplementary Material for: Postnatal and Adult Immunoglobulin Repertoires of Innate-Like CD19+CD45Rlo B Cells

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posted on 2014-03-06, 00:00 authored by Prado C., Rodríguez M., Cortegano I., Ruiz C., Alía M., de Andrés B., Gaspar M.L.
The diversity in antibody repertoire relies on different B cell populations working efficiently to fulfil distinct specific functions. We recently described an innate-like CD19+CD45R-/lo (19+45Rlo) cell population in postnatal unstimulated adult mice, a heterogeneous population containing cells expressing immunoglobulin M (IgM) and others behaving as differentiated mature B lymphocytes (intracytoplasmic IgG1, AID+, Blimp-1+RAG2-). In the present study, we characterized the Ig repertoire expressed by splenic 19+45Rlo cells, assuming that they would bear a restricted repertoire biased for germline rearrangements and low mutation rates similar to other innate-like cells. Sequences from 19+45Rlo cells displayed a variety of V, D and J regions, and the analysis of the CDR-H3 region revealed an intermediate overall CDR-H3 length and moderate hydrophobicity. Both IgM and switched sequences of PD15 19+45Rlo cells had shorter CDR-H3 region and fewer non-template N nucleotides than adult sequences, as expected for profiles that correspond to an immature phenotype. Regarding the mutation rate in the VH regions, IgG1 sequences already carried a high rate of replacement mutations at PD15, which increased further in the sequences obtained from adult mice. Moreover, statistical models suggest that a proportion of the switched sequences in adult 19+45Rlo cells had experienced antigen selection, unlike other innate-like B cell compartments.


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