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Supplementary Material for: The Patient-Centeredness of Endometriosis Care and Targets for Improvement: A Systematic Review

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posted on 2014-05-22, 00:00 authored by Dancet E.A.F., Apers S., Kremer J.A.M., Nelen W.L.D.M., Sermeus W., D'Hooghe T.M.
Background: Endometriosis is a prevalent condition compromising physical and psychosocial health and thus requiring patient-centered care, which is guided by patients' values. This study aimed to find out what the patient's perspective on endometriosis care is and how the patient-centeredness of endometriosis care can be improved. Methods: Electronic databases were searched systematically, and study selection was based on eligibility and quality. Study methodology was examined. Specific care aspects valued by patients were organized according to 10 dimensions of patient-centered endometriosis care. Based on patients' assessments of service quality, patient-centered improvement targets and strengths were identified. Results: Twelve of 20 eligible studies had sufficient quality to be included. Endometriosis patients valued all 10 dimensions of patient-centered endometriosis care. Problematic service quality was reported for all dimensions but ‘coordination and integration' and ‘involvement of significant others'. Two patient-centered strengths and 29 patient-centered improvement targets were identified. The most frequently reported improvement targets on which studies agreed were ‘timely diagnosis' and ‘being believed and respected by staff'. Conclusion: Endometriosis patients value patient-centeredness in addition to effectiveness and safety of care, and its 10 dimensions require attention in clinical practice. Research into the assessment and improvement of patient-centered endometriosis care is required.


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