Karger Publishers
AJN452680_Thadhani_Slides.pptx (991.79 kB)

PowerPoint Slides for: 2MD (DP001), a Single Agent in the Management of Hemodialysis Patients: A Randomized Trial

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posted on 2016-11-28, 15:00 authored by Thadhani R., Zella J.B., Knutson D.C., Blaser W.J., Plum L.A., Clagett-Dame M., Buck R.D., DeLuca H.F.
Background: Vitamin D analogs and calcimimetics are used to manage secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in dialysis patients. DP001 is an oral vitamin D analog that suppresses parathyroid hormone (PTH) in uremic rats, osteopenic women, and hemodialysis patients. The safety and effectiveness of DP001 suppressing PTH in dialysis patients previously managed with active vitamin D with or without a calcimimetic are presented. Methods: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind study compared DP001 to placebo in hemodialysis patients with serum-intact PTH (iPTH) ≥300 pg/ml. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving 2 consecutive ≥30% decreases in iPTH levels during the 12 weeks of treatment. Calcium, phosphorus, calcium × phosphorus product and safety were also evaluated. The responses to DP001 were compared in patients previously treated with both active vitamin D and a calcimimetic to those previously on active vitamin D alone. Results: Sixty-two patients were randomized (n = 34 DP001; n = 28 placebo). At week 12, 78% of all DP001-treated patients and 7% of all placebo-treated patients achieved the primary endpoint (p < 0.0001); iPTH fell 45% in the DP001 group and increased 37% in the placebo group. No patient exceeded the safety threshold of 2 consecutively corrected serum calcium levels ≥11.0 mg/dl. Patients previously on cinacalcet plus active vitamin D also responded to DP001 (n = 10) resulting in a 55% decrease in iPTH, while those on placebo (n = 9) increased by 70%. Conclusion: DP001 safely and effectively suppressed iPTH in hemodialysis patients with SHPT that were previously managed with active vitamin D alone or with a calcimimetic (www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01922843).


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